Tuesday, March 9, 2010

hanging out at trade fairs

Just last week I was doing something I used to do a few times a year when I first started the business. Trade fairs are weird things, kind of cool because you get to meet lost of new people and interesting shop owners and potential new customers that want to carry your brand. Its always a toughy though as a designer its a struggle selling your own designs and being confronted face to face by very critical eyes, but hey just teh nature of it. Standing still for 5 days in a 3mx 3m space with a very big happy smile can be exhausting when your mostly used to being safe behind a desk in my studio, sitting in comfy chairs and looking out over the tree tops. The contrast is great though and it was a buzz being back in the company of some fab people and hanging out in Sydney with a very fav friend made the evenings super fun. I hope you find some of these new products in a store near you soon. Check out a very exciting new range of jewellery in the top left photo, its tricky to see but I don't want to give away to much too early!

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